What good is there in collecting something and not share it with others with the same interest as yours?

The objective of this blog is to share songs not commercially available anymore, for music is the language of the soul and it must not be forgotten.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Dolores Duran No Michel De São Paulo (EP)  (1959)

Adiléia Silva da Rocha (07/06/1930 - 24/10-1959), known as Dolores Duran was born in Rio de Janeiro and since childhood she used to sing in parties. At the age of ten, she appeared at the program Calouros em Desfile hosted by Ary Barroso at Rádio Tupy, and shared the first place with the group Nativos da Lua. Then she appeared at the program Escada de Jacó and soon after,  she was incorporated to the team, singing all Sundays in shows, movie theaters and theaters. When she was 12 her father died and she started working in radio plays and by the age of 16 she was hired to sing at the Vogue night club, after an audition when she sang in English, French and Spanish - songs that she learned listening to the radio. At this night club she was heard by César de Alencar, who took her to Rádio Nacional. Increasing her repertory and including lots of international songs, she sang on several other night clubs in Rio de Janeiro, and in 1952 she recorded her first 78 rpm: two sambas for the Carnaval of 1953 ("Que Bom Será" by Alyce Chaves, Salvador Miceli and Paulo Marques; and "Já Não Interessa" by Domício Costa and Roberto Faissal). By 1954 she started being known on the radio and in 1955 she composed her first song with Tom Jobim: "Se É Por Falta De Adeus", but one of her greatest successes was "A Filha De Chico Brito" composed by the humorist Chico Anísio, in 1956.
She started travelling in shows, through Brazil and then South America and in 1958, with Jorge Goulart, Nora Ney, Conjunto Farroupilha and other artists, she went to the U. S. S. R., but in Moscow she broke from the group and headed to Paris, where she stayed for a month, singing on a pub that had mainly Brazilian customers.
Back to Brazil, she asked Ribamar to arrange some melodies for lyrics she composed and they produced "Quem Sou Eu", 'Pela Rua" and "Se Eu Tiver". While singing in night clubs in Rio, she kept on showing on TV programs and recording.
On the night of October, 23rd, 1959, after a show on the Little Club, she passed away probably because of an overdose of bartiburics.

Dolores Duran No Michel De São Paulo
I haven't found any reference to this EP, neither on the Internet or in my books, but by comparing the songs, some of them were composed or first released in 1959 and the song "My Funny Valentine', which is the same as on this EP, apears on the album "A Noite De Dolores", released in 1960.  All of the other three, though they can be found on other albums, they're not the same version, which lead me to conclude that this specific EP was released in 1959.  These might well have been some of the last songs she recorded.  No one needs to be a Sherlock Holmes to get to these conclusions, but if any of you have any other information and want to share it with us, you will be very welcomed.
01. A Banca Do Distinto (Billy Blanco) • 2:02
02. My Funny Valentine (Richard Rodgers/Lorenz Hart) • 3:02
03. A Noite Do Meu Bem (Dolores Duran) • 2:58
04. Fim De Caso (Dolores Duran) • 2:39

PS.: Thanks to the attentive eyes of EMendes who pointed to a mistyping error on the covers, you can download HERE the corrected files for this post.  I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks a lot to EMendes.


  1. Thank you!
    I'm glad to be of help.

  2. Há um pequeno erro na capa, de fácil correção. O correto é "A banca do distinto", famoso samba do Billy Blanco, e não "Banca do destino".

  3. Amigo EMendes,
    Obrigado pela sua observação. Os devidos arquivos já foram substituídos e estão disponíveis em um segundo link logo abaixo da relação das músicas.
    The Trackfinder.

  4. Apesar de ser português e de Dolores Duran ser desconhecida do povo de Portugal, eu sou um grande admirador dela e de suas inesqueciveis canções. Não conhecia este disco nem este blogue e agora fiquei ainda mais triste quando não consegui descarregar o ficheiro das canções pois o link está OFF. Haverá alguém que me possa fazer o favor de me fornecer um link válido para eu fazer o download ? obrigado jose mario mariosantosf54@gmail.com

    1. Links corrigidos e atualizados, inclusive o da capa correta. Divirta-se

  5. É Possivel liberar o link deste album,obrigado

    1. Amigo, infelizmente não tenho boas notícias. Em Outubro passado, meu apartamento foi invadido e entre muitas outras coisas, levaram também meu computador, onde estavam todos os meus arquivos dos albums postados. Tudo foi perdido. Já há algum tempo que não posto nada por absoluta falta de tempo. Estou lutando para conseguir uma aposentadoria que me permita dedicar algum tempo a este blog, mas de qualquer maneira, terei que refazer tudo novamente. Um lugar onde talvez você possa encontrá-lo seria o blog The Music Of Parallel Realities que se encontra na minha lista "Blogs Worth Visiting.
      Sinto não poder ajudá-lo no momento.
