What good is there in collecting something and not share it with others with the same interest as yours?

The objective of this blog is to share songs not commercially available anymore, for music is the language of the soul and it must not be forgotten.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Serestas do Brasil 1 (1958)

Onéssimo Gomes Souza Leite (28/10/1914 - 13/09/1999)
There's really very little information about this singer, but something can be found at Dicionário Cravo Albin da Música Brasileira, mostly about his recordings.

OBS.: Beth, from Diário da Música, just brought to light some more information about Onéssimo Gomes.  It's worth checking it out.

Serestas do Brasil 1

01. Lágrimas (Cândido das Neves) • 3:09
02. Brinquedo Do Destino (Herivelto Martins/Aldo Cabral) • 3:36
03. A Pequenina Cruz Do Teu Rosário (Fernando Weyne/Roberto Xavier de Castro) • 3:28
04. A Última Estrofe (Cândido das Neves) • 3:15
05. Mimi (Uriel Lourival) • 2:47
06. Noite Cheia De Estrelas (Cândido das Neves) • 2:27
07. Lua Branca (Chiquinha Gonzaga)  • 2:51
08. Flor Do Mal (Saudade Eterna) (Santos Coelho/Domingos Corrêa) • 3:35
09. Mágoas de Um Trovador (J. Cascata/Manezinho Araújo) • 3:04
10. Deusa (Freire Júnior) • 3:22
11. Pierrot (Joubert de Carvalho/Pascoal C. Magno) • 3:35
12. Boneca (Aldo Cabral/Benedito Lacerda) • 3:35

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